About Me

The hope of this page is to provide a: Nurturing Platform Orienting Women of Ambition (N’POWA)…towards their Destiny. To have Ambition, you need a Vision of your Destiny.

Poet. Writer. Controversial. Think outside the box. Christian. Believer in humanity. Leader. Mother. Wife. Questions the norm. Always searching for answers. Soul-searching. Seeking wisdom. Believer in Jesus. Child of Destiny. Woman of Ambition.


I have always believed in myself and the potential that God has placed within me. Call me naive at times or even gullible, but I’ve always looked for the best in people and like to take them at face-value and believe the best in them. The truth is, Only God knows who is called and who is  not.

I had been praying for wisdom all this while; but one thing I learned is that some measure of wisdom, wisdom that prevents you from future mistakes (not past) is acquired through hard core tears, sweat and blood; while another measure is simply given to us by our Lord God. However, even with all the wisdom in the world, you can end up like King Solomon: with all the wisdom God could bestow upon a man, yet still dumb enough to live by the flesh… It is a privilege and a duty for those that have gone before to share, in hope that it will inspire others and they will learn from it.

Follow me as I share with you timbits from my life experiences and that of those around me. My aim in doing this is to open eyes, trigger thoughts, steal a smile, erase a tear, and why not inspire great minds.

Get ready to be beCJed!!!



Chipotle For Life

Healthy eating and exercise

The Jiggly Bits

...because life is funny.


Community | Collaboration | Change

valeriu dg barbu

©valeriu barbu

To Be Aware

It's all about disbelieving your thoughts


A dose of positivity, inspiration & motivation!


...The World From My Point Of View...

The Critical Eye

A critical look at Atheism, Christianity and things that don't make sense.

Serges Lemo's Blog

Events, thoughts and just about anything else I find interesting.

Fading Meta

stars fall, but they light the lonely nights.....


let go or be dragged

Studio Mothers: Life & Art

Meet your creative goals

Past Exotic

The personal views of a group of individuals who strive to live soulfully, naturally and beautifully - in every aspect of life

Marie's Beauty Studio

Simply Beautiful

